CFD Policies and Procedures

Important policies and procedures of the Washington State Combined Fund Drive are housed here. You'll find policies and documents regarding donor privacy, ethics board opinions on the use of state resources for the Combined Fund Drive and the Washington State law that created and defines the statewide giving program.

Click any of the links below or contact the CFD office with questions about our policies.


The Washington Administrative Codes (WACs) that are used to define the operations of the Combined Fund Drive are under Chapter 434-750. WACs are used much like legislation and the Constitution, and are a source of primary law in Washington State. For more information on WACs, visit the Washington Administrative Code website. Click here to access the CFD's WACs.

RCWs for the Combined Fund Drive

The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) is the compilation of all permanent laws now in force. It is a collection of Session Laws (enacted by the Legislature, and signed by the Governor, or enacted via the initiative process), arranged by topic, with amendments added and repealed laws removed. It does not include temporary laws such as appropriations acts.

RCW 41.04.033 gave the Office of the Secretary of State the authorization to operate the Combined Fund Drive.

RCW 41.04.0331 established the powers and duties of the Office of the Secretary of State when administering the Combined Fund Drive.

RCWs for Raffles in the CFD

Combined Fund Drive volunteers are allowed to run raffles through an exemption made with the Washington State legislature. However, there are limitations to how a raffle can be run for the Combined Fund Drive. Below are two links that address those requirements:

RCW 9.46.0315

RCW 9.46.0321

Ethics Board Opinion

This is the official Executive Ethics Board opinion that allows the Combined Fund Drive to operate much in the manner of a private nonprofit. Because of this ruling in 2000, volunteers of the CFD are allowed to use state resources (i.e. time and materials) to administer CFD events.
Click here to access the opinion.

CFD Policy Manual 

Policy Manual




If you would like more information about a policy, or have a question about procedures related to the Washington State Combined Fund Drive, please do not hesitate to contact the CFD state office at (360) 902-4162 or